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Triumph or Tragedy?


Facing Victory When It Looks Different Than We Expected

Today is Palm Sunday and we join in with thousands of Christians around the world who are celebrating Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem crying out, “Hosanna, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” (Mark 11:9). However only a few days later this same crowd was crying out “Crucify him, crucify him!” (Luke 23:21)

We have all had moments of celebration that have certainly turned into sadness and melancholy. You are enjoying a wonderful, beautiful day at work, only to receive a phone call that your mom or spouse has suddenly become ill and is the point of death. You get called into the boss’s office only to learn that you are being terminated. You wonder was this day a triumphant one or a tragedy?

Palm Sunday teaches us that God understands our dilemma and is with us in our triumphs and sorrows. When Jesus rides into Jerusalem the people are disappointed because He did not come as a mighty warrior to destroy their oppressors. Jesus came as the Lamb of God who would be crucified so that we might live. He came to meet us in our human suffering and bring us to the light and power of His love.

No it’s not a tragedy, but it is a triumphant victory because as we trust the One who rode into Jerusalem on a donkey in humility, He gives us the strength to turn our scars into stars. It is in our weakness and pain that we come to experience the power of a God who loves us.

Embrace the victory that is yours today in Christ Jesus.

Prayer: Dear God, Help us to see You in our pain and sorrow, knowing that because of Your love victory is sure to come. Amen.

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