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Light Overcomes


“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who live in the land of the shadow of death. Upon them a light has shined.” ~Isaiah 9:2

Jesus’ birth came at a time when spiritual darkness covered the land. The people of Israel had all but forsaken the ways of the Lord. The temple had become a marketplace; sacrifices were offered for the sake of obligation and tradition rather than from an inner hunger to worship God. And hope for the coming Messiah was often a worldly desire for military salvation and the destruction of the Roman oppressors.

Jesus came for a purpose that completely transcended these ways of thinking. Truly, He came to destroy the works of the enemy, that is, the enemy of our souls. He established His kingdom on earth by laying down His life as an offering of love and forgiveness so that all men, women and children might have true, abundant life.

Today, we have the light within us. Let it shine greatly in these gloomy days as we prepare to celebrate the Christ of Christmas. The Light of Christ will overcome the darkness.


Lord God Almighty we pray that you will embrace us with more light for our path, and more of your transforming love as we prepare to celebrate the Christ of Christmas. In the name of Him who is the Light of the world. Amen

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