A Message from the Pastor
It is with great joy that I greet you as the 6th pastor of the historic Salem Missionary Baptist Church. As many of you know, Salem is the oldest black church in Flatbush. It was my humble privilege to preside over our church's centennial anniversary. Today we are 105 years old. We are in the midst a grand celebration for our 105th anniversary as we only celebrate a church anniversary every five years.
At this writing, I have just completed my seventh year as your senior pastor. Salem you are some of God's best people anywhere in the world. Together we are developing a ministry that meets the needs of God's people both here at home and abroad. Today we have a Family Health Services Ministry, (where Sister Joyce Smith, MSW) is the capable director. This ministry aids in teaching us how to eat healthy, check our blood pressure and other medical illnesses. It also provides referrals for housing, health concerns and other issues.
Here at Salem we have programs for everybody. Some of these programs include, youth, music, athletic and senior ministries. This is truly the church where everybody is somebody.
We have created an atmosphere where people can worship freely and uninhibited. The word is preached and taught with fidelity and power. When one enters Salem, they can only say with the prophet, "truly The Lord is in this place."
Well if you are viewing this message on the web, God is beaconing you to come and see for yourself. I promise you, it's a step that you won't regret taking.
Salem, I love you and thank God daily for each of you. Let's continue to strive to become better witnesses of our Lord and Savior Jesus as we endeavor to share God's love in a tangible way both here at home and abroad. It's really true, "eyes have not seen, ear hath not heard, neither has it entered into the hearts of people what God has in store for those who live him.
Pastor Thornton